when I’m not performing

Outside of music I am also an avid skier and a passionate traveler. I’m always planning the next trip or adventure somewhere and can’t wait to get back on the plane and go somewhere new.

I love glass art of all types. Glass is absolutely my favorite medium and I am known to stop and stare at blown glass, stained glass, and sculpted glass of all varieties.

I think Aquariums are just about the coolest place. I am mesmerized by the life in those tanks, especially the jelly fish.

I’m an avid reader, hiker, and real estate investor. I love Calvin and Hobbes and other friendly and brilliant comics. I laugh at and have a lot of respect for really terrible B movies. I mean, it takes a lot to make something like a movie. And oh man do I love roller coasters. The bigger and scarier the better!

I am a strong believer in Mudita / Freudenfreude - that is to say taking joy in somebody else’s joy and accomplishments. I hope you succeed so I can cheer you on, and I hope when I succeed you’ll be there to cheer me on.